There’s an age-old notion that opposites attract. However, we can often hear we were too different as a reason for breaking up. So, what’s the deal with these concepts? In order to feel attraction, is it really necessary to opposed by someone? We’re looking at the arguments for both sides. For many people, this is a very interesting topic because there are really cases of successful relationships and marriages of opposites. When we see these relationships, it’s apparent that it’s possible to make it work. Also, you can often see people who are exceptionally similar to those who hate each other’s guts. Two people can get along to be like-mind. Especially in a romantic relationship. So, we’ve examined both sides to answer the age-old do opposites attract?
Opposites Attract
Popular cultures have adapted this concept from ancient times. For example, the Ancient Chinese symbol of Yin Yang represents this concept. The black and white halves of the symbol represent complementary opposites: day and night, fire and water, male and female. It’s considered that the male and female forms are diametrically opposed, but they connect in a perfect way in the Yin Yang modus.
Nowadays, we can see a similar notion being advertised and pushed in romantic comedies and TV shows. A basic plot line usually consists of two people who are absolutely different from one another making it and falling in love. This “unlikely” event is popular just like the “rags to riches” story or so-called plot twists. In the real world, this is not really the case. Someone who’s very different from you might attract you in the beginning and seem interesting and mysterious, but you’re not likely to make it in the long run.
Opposites Push Each Other Away
This concept has as much sense as opposites attract. If someone is greatly different from you, you wouldn’t be able to spend quality time together, right? Also, if you choose your friends based on your similar interests, which shouldn’t you do the same with your romantic partner? When it comes to long-term, serious relationships, it’s always better to be with someone who is similar to you. This doesn’t necessarily mean personality traits and looks, but someone who shares your worldview, opinions, and goals. Trust me, it’s much easier to build something with another person when you think the same way.
The biggest chances of having a healthy, successful marriage are by marrying a compatible person, which you can do on On this site, you can find people who are similar to you and finally stop dating opposites. When it’s finally time to settle down, you will see that it’s the easiest to do it with someone who understands you and accepts you. The initial fire and passion for dating an opposite will quickly die out, and you’ll be left with someone who you can’t even talk to.