No book can help you find a husband quicker than the suggestion I am about to make to you. And if such a book does exist, it most likely is going to tell to act in a certain manner, go out more, join lots of dating sites. Go waste your time and self-worth getting even more scars from even more breakups.
For ladies exactly like yourself, I have created 2 things. One is, the world’s first Marriage-Only Match-Making website. Here only like-minded people join, who are sick and tired of dating and are looking for sincere people who want to settle down, get married and start a family of their own.
Secondly, I have created a far superior way to get to know each other. I call it “Marriage Meetings”. With these, you get to achieve a lot more than dating and that too, within a few days and Marriage Meetings also require zero emotional investment. To top it all up, I have written a book “101 Questions To Ask Each Other Before Getting Married“. It usually costs $10 on Amazon, but you can have it for free by clicking here.