How to Know If a Guy Fancies You

Dating is hard. You’re never sure where you actually stand, and it’s hard to interpret whether a guy is just playing games or if he genuinely likes you. Luckily, there are some tell-tale signs that will surely show if a guy fancies you.

If you’re not sure if you caught the eye of a guy you like, go through this checklist.

  1. He contacts you often

Men are hunters by nature, and they are not afraid to approach women who they’re interested in. If a guy only reaches out to you a couple of times a month, he’s probably not that into you. However, there are also some rules on how to not come off as needy as well: if a guy likes you, he might limit his contact not to come off as too pushy.

  1. He’s clear about his intentions

If a guy fancies you, you will probably be well aware. Guys are usually adamant about their intentions and they will pursue a woman they want. If a guy’s behavior is making you confused and unclear about his feelings, he’s probably not looking for anything serious.

  1. He finds excuses to spend time with you

Do you constantly find him at the same parties as you? He’s joining your group of friends for coffee? If a guy always seems to find a way to spend time near you, he definitely likes you. Physical closeness is something we all yearn for when we like someone, so if a guy is always close by, he’s probably crushing on you!

  1. His body languages give off good vibes

Body language can be a great cue for liking and disliking persons. If you watch his body language while he’s near you, you can tell with a high degree of probability whether he likes you or not. If his body is turned in your general direction, he’s interested in you and what you have to say. The same goes with eye-contact, even though a shy guy crushing would rather do anything else than make eye contact.

  1. He talks to his friends about you

If this is the case, you can be almost positive that the guy is really crushing on you! Guys talk to their friends about girls that they like, so if you’re constantly mentioned in his group of friends, there’s a high chance he’s really into you.

  1. He compliments you

Whether it’s a silly thing like your handwriting or your purse, a guy who likes someone will always find something cute and worth complimenting. This goes especially for personality compliments. When you receive a compliment from a guy you like, make sure to thank him and compliment him back.

  1. He (subtly) makes physical contact

Just like compliments, a guy who fancies you will find any chance to sneak in a subtle touch. That can be a light hug, a touch on the shoulder or touching your back while holding the door for you. If you like him as well, return it!

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