The Online Dating Websites – What’s the TRUTH?

Online dating websites have been the go-to method for the past decade and a half when someone wanted to find a new girlfriend or boyfriend. And yes they worked as far as getting the new relationship started. Online dating gave a much wider pool of potential spouses, boosted your confidence because it shielded you behind a computer screen and rejection.

Dating websites grew ever so massively that today 1 in every 2 relationships starts online. Then from dating websites came dating apps. Allowing you to literally find a match whilst even on the toilet. But at what expense, soon for many, the novelty started to fade, the ability to sleep with a new person with a single swipe soon started taking its toll on people. Dating fatigue became a thing and dating website users left as only shells of their former selves.

Unknowingly, people wanted more, they wanted the old norms of long term and reliable relationships. Too much time had passed, wasted away with nameless strangers. And that is when was born. The first of its kind marriage only relationship website. is a mixture of dating service refugees, decent and young people who have seen these zombies amongst them. They are clever enough to stay clear of dating and go directly into marriage and family.

To save further time, the founder of urges everyone, regardless of what service they are using, dump dating and go on Marriage Meetings, as these meetings achieve the same result as many years of dating, all within a few days, without having to sleep with anyone or investing yourself emotionally with anyone.

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