Think About You

How to Make Her Miss You All Day


The girl of your dreams just walked into your life and you want to make her yours. You want her to think about you and you want her to miss you. Your aim is to make her desire you and ultimately have a relationship.


Focus More on Her & Less on Yourself

Girls like to feel doted on and special. The easiest way to do this is to focus more on her and less on yourself. Ask her questions about what she enjoys doing and what makes her smile. Make sure you are listening to her and not staring off into the distance. The things she says can give you ideas of what will make her feel special. Women are attracted to mysterious men so don’t blurt out everything about yourself in one go. You don’t need to constantly talk about yourself; tell her the stories are for a later date. Clearly show her that you are planning a follow-up date by not giving her all your secrets at once. It will also make her wonder more about you.


Be reliable and meet the commitments you make to her. Do not cancel visits or let her down as it will cause negative feelings. Always being on time and support will make her crave more attention and to be around her. She will miss you and wait impatiently for your next rendezvous. Treating her well makes her realize what she has in you.


Make Her Want You

Holding back will make her miss you and think about you. Let a few days go by without seeing her but send her some flowers or chocolate. She will feel special and know you like her but you are still keeping her guessing. At the same time, you need to limit your communication. It is not necessary to constantly send text messages or to reply immediately. You can call her but don’t talk for lengthy periods; rather visit her in person. If you do want to send her a message, then a “good morning” or “sleep well” message is your best bet.


Arrange fun activities to do and exciting dates. Go-karting, rock climbing, and even painting will help you to create memories that linger in her mind for days to come. Don’t force her to do anything that she doesn’t want to, tell her it is okay and that you can do something else. Romantic gestures will never go unnoticed so make an effort to surprise her. You can go all out with a romantic picnic or do something smaller like writing a letter to her. Simple things like a single rose or chocolate will keep her thinking of you.


Hold her tight when you are together, give her kisses and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. These small things all add up to you staying at the top of her mind. Before long she will be telling all of her friends about you and be daydreaming of a future together.

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