The aim for pretty much all of us, when it comes to relationships, is to find that one true love who we can settle down with, start a family and live happily ever after. For many of this is going to happen and we are going to live long and happy lives with our loved one but, before we get to that final stage of the relationship, there are a few other phases which we are going to have to go through first. Each and every step of the relationship is going to come with some bumps along the way, but as long as you know that this person is the one for you, then you are going to make it work.
Of course, the early stages of falling in love are considered by many to be the best and most exciting, as you are both so passionate and so in love with one another. All you want to do is be around that person, talk to that person and make that person your whole world. However, that is not going to last forever and, as that passion fades and you fall back into line with your normal life, you need to remember that love is still there. In this next phase, some people feel like the love has gone because everything has slowed down, but that is not the case at all, it is just the fact that you are both getting to grips with reality.
From there, you and your partner are going to really start to get to know and understand one another on a much more personal and deeper level, really beginning to love one another with your whole heart and on a new level. You will connect with one another better than ever before and you will feel like this really is going to be the one true love that is going to last forever. Yes, there are going to be the occasional moments where you doubt yourself, doubt your partner and doubt your relationship, but this is completely natural and you need to fight back against it and remember exactly why you are with your partner and why you love them so much.
Once you have made it through all of those doubtful thoughts and fears, learning that you can truly trust your partner and that they can always rely on you, then you know that the two of you are going to be together forever. You have been together for many years and made it through those bumps in the road, so you know that you have what it takes to keep this relationship strong no matter what. Yes, there are still going to be some issues along the way, but after everything you have already been through then you know you can beat anything and everything. True love lasts forever.