Relationship Goes Wrong Before It Actually Begins

How Relationship Goes Wrong Before It Actually Begins

You are going to meet a number of different people over the course of your life.  You will build relationships after an effort but the relationship goes wrong. During the course of the relationship, some people will stay in your life forever, some will come and go. Some will make absolutely no impact on you at all.


How do you know that you are meeting the right person at the right time?

How do you know that the new person you have just met is going to be the relationship that you have always dreamed and will last the test of time?

It often happens that we come across the person whom we have a feeling that we can have a great romance. But later on, it turns out to be a vague idea and relationship goes wrong.


Why does the relationship go wrong?

 The relationship goes wrong mainly because of the person we choose. The relation could also go wrong owing to the expectations we pin at our partner. You find someone who you think you could be with for the rest of your life. After going with the flow and spending a few hours together, you realize it was not the right pick.

It may be because you have just come out of a relationship and still have fears in your mind. Maybe your fears have created a little ghost in your mind that is not letting you develop another relationship.  Or maybe you have just experienced some sort of tragedy in your life, and you were are not ready to jump into a relationship.


Falling for the wrong person puts an end to the relationship

The relationship goes wrong even before it actually begins because you have actually fallen for the wrong person. You thought that he is the person you are in love with but he does not treat you right from the very beginning.

If you are in the early stages of romance with a guy and he keeps putting his friends or other people before you? It is time for you to understand that he will always be just the same.

You need to walk away now, while the romance is still young, it will be less painful to part ways.


If you want a relationship not to go wrong,  try to come up with a wish list to share it with your willing partner. If he is up for everything you have narrated in that list, welcome him or her to stay with you.  Tell them what you exactly expect from the relationship.  Emotional connection can take care of the rest of the concerns. However, if you are not able to find that connection, let the relationship go wrong and die.

If still, you are not able to find your twin flame,  sign up at Here you will not have to waste your time and effort at useless dating. You will simply be asked to go on a marriage meeting and see if you guys can build a long-lasting relationship.

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