Fifty Shades Of Grey

How Fifty Shades of Grey Could be Harming Our Society


The bestselling novel by EL James identifies as the most romantic and amusing story of Ana Steel. Which has captioned attraction of millions of readers around the world? However, there is something else within the success of the novel except the narration of a romantic story in an alluring way. The success of this novel represents that women fanaticize about being brutally treated by the powerful, wealthy, and strong men of her life. The sexual commitment between Christian Grey and Ana Steele is seen taking a turn in the form of a complicated relationship. If you have thought that this was the first novel of its kind, then you are wrong. There have been thousands of novels back in history, which are identified as the sensation novels. The racy story of the novel describes the conflicted personalities of women in discovering their sexuality and freedom in their relationships.

Fifty shades of grey are a harmful book for our society. Which is displaying the attributes of being dominant and submissive in a relationship? A healthy relationship based on equality should always be on the minds of people; however, fifty shades of grey exaggerated the societal values.

Here are some other ways that the novel is harming our society:


  1. Controversial Character of Christian Grey

Christian Grey, who represents a controlling, abusing, wealthy, and narcissist guy in the movie. Who was only concerned about his interest and pleasurable ways? He was not committing to the relationship with Ana Steele; however, he was ready to have a sexual relationship with her, which is against the concept of a healthy relationship. The concepts in this book present in a way that a woman is the second creature in this world. And a man can approach her with negative intentions.


  1. The Novel Promotes Abusive Relationships

The novel identifies as a romantic love story. However, this is the story of an abusive relationship. The novel represented the idea that it is perfectly fine to be abusive to women in relationships. Women are sexual objects, and men intend to enjoy the pleasure of these objects.

According to a recent study, one out of four American women believes that they can change their abusers with love and care. However, this is woefully incorrect. Women are running and leaving to save their lives from abusive relationships. You can always consult for their assistance.


  1. The Lesson of Pain and Humiliation

The novel sends a message to the society that experiencing pain and humiliation is sexy in abusive relationships. People chose to date bad guys because of experiencing pain and fun in the relationship. It is awfully worse because pain and abuse can be pleasurable and sexy. The novel spread the message of violence, toxicity in a relationship.

If you have been in an abusive relationship, then you should leave it as soon as possible because this relationship is never getting better. You can sign up with and find an ideal and healthy relationship for your life.

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