When you start taking your partner taken for granted, it makes the relationship boring. Do you want to bring back fun into your boring relationship?
We all know that the most amazing thing about relationships is the initial feeling of butterflies and fireworks.
The excitement you have whenever you see your new lover is priceless. If only this feeling could last forever and ever. Reality is, it doesn’t! If you’ve lost the spark in your relationship it’s time to put the fun back into it.
Here are a few things you could actively do to enjoy your relationship once more (caution: it may get out of hand wink-wink)
Bring some laughter into your relationship by embodying different characters. The two of you can pretend to be completely different people and go on a dinner date. Meanwhile, you will be dressing up and speaking like other people.
You could also have some fun and mimic each other by playfully teasing each other’s quirks. Roleplay can help you bring back fun into a boring relationship.
Be Experimental Between the Sheets
If your marriage has become stale you could start spicing it up in the bedroom. Introduce some experimental lotions or massage oils. Try a new position or kiss heavily as you did in the beginning. A little bit of effort will go a long way to change the status of your boring relationship.
Be Daring
Have you ever heard of the game Truth, dare or command? It’s a fun and intimate game that is usually played between friends.
But are also enjoyed with only two people present. When you choose truth, you need to answer any question, no matter how intimate, truthfully.
When you choose to dare, you should perform a dare. It could be anything to prank calling your mother-in-law to dance like a chicken. When you choose a command, you have to perform a command like stripteasing for your spouse or jumping into the pool with your clothes on.
There are many Android apps available that can give you guidelines as to what questions to ask and what dares or commands to deal out. (If you are struggling to find your own). Try some and bring fun into your boring relationship.
Go Out
Staying at home can be one of the biggest causes of relationship boredom. Nothing too exciting ever happens at home. So, you should go out of the house.
Go see a comedy show or be daring and go to a karaoke competition. But importantly, dress up and go somewhere fun!
Ask Questions
GoMarry.com has a great list of 101 Marriage questions that you probably followed the first time you met at your marriage meeting.
Ask each other the same questions again and see if anything changed. Spice it up by asking each other more intimate questions.
Communicating and getting to know each other once again will reignite the fire that once burned so brightly.
It’s important to put time and effort into creating a fun environment within your house and in your relationship. At the end of it, all you want to have a good time with your spouse and spending some time into doing things that can bring back the fun into your relationship funk is vital for long-lasting success.