Interracial Marriage : Tips to Overcome Different Challenges

Interracial Marriage : Tips to Overcome Different Challenges

The concept of interracial marriage is getting toot now. Whether you are dating a local guy, a person twenty years your senior, or a hottie from another race, the challenge is always the same – navigating the judgment of ignorant human beings


In this day and age, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to exhibit such an archaic mentality. Quite frankly speaking,  the only label that should be considered is whether someone is a good person or a bad person.

People who make judgments based on skin color or other superficial criteria fall into the latter box. Unfortunately, the fact remains that these sad little people are out there.


The Reality of Race

The definition of race is based on skin color only. Contrary to popular belief, it does not take into account culture, class, religion, language, common interests, values, beliefs or anything else that forms the basis of a meaningful relationship.

Millions of people may actually appear to be a certain demographic. Yet in fact, they have been raised in another. For example, you may identify with a certain star sign simply because you were born into that month. The race is the same, people are identified with it because they do not question it.


How to Deal With Racism

If you are a part of interracial marriage. You must be wondering how do you deal with awkward assumptions, comments, and glances that affect you and your beloved?

You go about your day minding your own business, but there you find someone’s awkward glance.

Well, the first thing to consider is that whoever reveals their prejudice, also reveals that they have never fully understood love.

This is evident because love in interracial is non-judgmental and sees beyond aesthetics. It is wise to pity those who display such a narrow world-view as it is likely that their upbringing thoroughly sucked.

Even if they grew up in a happy (albeit racist) home, there is the very real possibility that they will never meet their soul mate. Wondering why? Because they have defined their options in terms of color (and also racism is not attractive).

This perspective may help to reframe the careless comments and actions. It doesn’t do much for hardcore real-life scenarios that need to be dealt with head-on.

Be Ready For  Comments

While co-workers, family, and friends might make some well-meaning comments that reveal some pretty strange assumptions. it is not the same as those who actively believe that interracial marriage is wrong (

Of course, if you are dealing with outright racism, the best thing to do is to punch the offender in the face (just kidding).

Here’s what you can do instead to handle a racist attack:

Remain Calm

Remain calm, and refrain from reacting on impulse or revealing anything personal about the life that could be used against you.

Maintain control and do not allow them to push your buttons. Depending on the severity of the situation. You may choose to laugh it off by simply paying them a meaningless compliment and walking away.


Convey Your Disapproval

If you would prefer to confront them. Convey your disapproval and question their wording or actions.

Avoid calling them a racist, but tell them how they have made you feel. Speak to them with kindness – as though you are talking to a child.

You could point out that what they said or did is racist, keeping the focus on their behavior and not their persona. By doing this you can make them aware of social expectations and that they have acted unacceptably.


Don’t Try to Educate The Racist

Don’t try to educate them though, as almost all racists are beyond the point of reason.

If there is an incident on social media or anywhere digital. You may document and threaten to expose the perpetrator.

Gather all their personal details such as their name, contact information, and place of work. In the worst case scenario, you are entitled to call the cops.

Here at we support true love in all its shapes, colors and sizes. No matter what anyone says or does. If you have found true love you are among the lucky few, and that is worth holding onto and fighting for.



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