Love & respect are cornerstones to successful and loving relationships. We have to remind ourselves to apply love and respect within our marriage only relationships to ensure a happy future. I personally believe that when these two values aren’t present in a relationship then there isn’t any relationship. I’ve dedicated my life to introducing single hopefuls to one another on the platform. And also giving these couples relationship advice to help them achieve long-lasting happiness and success within their marriages. Here is a short list of actions you can apply to your marriage only relationship to make sure you show love, kindness, and respect to your partner.
Listen To Each Other
As you know, communication is very important. But just as important as saying how you feel is listening to your partner. When you listen, you need to always try and understand what your partner is saying. When they feel in a certain way, rather than defending yourself, you should try and listen and understand.
Admire & Value Each Other’s Input
Admiration is part of love. You need to find things in your spouse that you look up to. Tell them that you admire the way that they do certain things. This is part of building their confidence and lifting them up. You need to value your partner’s opinion. Not taking into consideration their opinions and views, shows disrespect. Value their opinion and listen to what they have to say. Always try to understand and see a situation from their side.
Support Each Other & Show That You Love Them
Support their dreams and aspirations. Motivate and encourage them when they are busy building their dreams. Belittling the things that they want to achieve in their live shows disrespect. You need to show them that their hopes and dreams are worthwhile and that you, believe in them too. You need to show them that you love them. Show them by doing special things and taking care of their needs. A simple letter, flowers or drawing them a bath can be simple ways in which you show them that you really care about them.
Don’t Call Each Other Names & Fight Better
Don’t label your partner as ‘lazy,’ ‘stupid’ or ‘talentless’ – the moment you start calling your partner names, you put them in a box. Verbal abuse is real and it can really hurt and break down your partner’s moral. Love your partner by learning how to communicate better. All couples fight and have disagreements, but make a point out of arguing better. Talk it out calmly and come up with solutions together.
Show Interest & Make Time For Your Partner
Show interest in your partner’s life. A simple ‘how was your day?’ or ‘how did the presentation go today?’ are easy ways you can show interest in their lives. You should never be too busy for your partner. When they need you, you should leave what you’re busy with and show them that you are there for them. You don’t want your partner feeling neglected, so you better spend some quality time with them.