Dating is a complex game and doing it correctly can be quite tough. Whether you are male or female, you need to approach any date with clear expectations in mind. It is not fair to the other person to go in with false ideas. Honesty is the first step to master the art of dating.
Honesty and authenticity is the first step to becoming a dating master. Ask your date questions with sincerity, such as finding out about her hobbies, and listen to the answers. Effective conversations open up the conversation and provide an opportunity for further discussion. It will show your date you are interested in what is being said and you get to learn more about each other. Questions about work, hobbies and what the person likes will break the ice and set a good vibe for the rest of the date. Listening to your date will convey interest and show that you care. Avoid talking too much about yourself, except if it is in response to a question your date has asked you. Asking to follow up questions on these your date says will also keep the conversation flow.
Value Emotions
Dating is all about the emotions of the two people involved. Understand the other person’s emotions and show that you care. Ask your date what brings them happiness; this is a good way to stimulate conversation.
Confidence is Key
It is natural to be nervous before a date but having confidence will impress your date. Your body language should be positive and open. Do not cross your arms and make eye contact with your date. Smile often and laugh, it will ease the conversation and give a feeling of comfort. Keep your chin up and your shoulders back. Point your feet towards the person and body towards your date. Be confident about yourself and what you are saying to the other person. Do not doubt yourself and avoid using filler words.
Have Fun
The dating game can be scary and exciting all at the same time. Have fun when going on dates and try something fun to encourage laughter. Go bowling or play mini golf. It is a fun way to get to know the other person and breaks down barriers quickly. Having fun on a date will encourage both of you to be yourself and open up more easily. Dating is a game of chance and every date needs to be memorable. Create memories and new experiences together and fun activities are always something you can do again in the future.
It is not always easy to get the courage to go on a date. The key to mastering the art of dating is to be yourself and to do it with confidence. Try something new, flirt with your date and ask a lot of questions. Listen intently and laugh often to keep a vibrant atmosphere. After a while, you will be dating with ease!