Having been let down, hurt, and abandoned several times in the past, I was starting to give up on the idea that I would ever find the right girl for me. There was one thing I never got from any of my previous relationships, acceptance. There was always some level that I would connect on, but being accepted for who I am was the most important thing for me and I never acquired it until now.
Some aspects of a relationship are easier to find than others. Physical attraction is undoubtedly the most painless piece of the puzzle. An aesthetically appealing female form is not a difficult thing to come by, but mere beauty is not enough. A truly meaningful relationship has to be based on more than sexual allure. Unfortunately, in these times, shallow inclinations are much more apparent than ever before. An intellectual union is slightly more challenging, although there are a plethora of bright minded individuals out there who would suffice. Finding an emotional balance is possibly the most ambitious task of all. It takes a very understanding person to deal with the extremities of my emotional chaos.
Ideally, I wished to find someone who would fit with each of these layers, but it seemed preposterous that such a person could exist. Trumping everything was the need for acceptance. It reigned above all else as the primary quality I yearned for, yet I gave up believing that it would ever come my way. When it arrived, I was admittedly skeptical. With all the trying relationships of the past, predicting failure was a natural side effect. I expected history would repeat itself; I could see myself opening up and allowing someone in, just to be let down all over again. It took some time before I realized that this girl honestly did accept me for who I am. I could be myself without having to worry that I was going to scare her off. It was the acceptance I had dreamed of for so long, it actually felt surreal to me. It cured an assortment of my insecurities and doubts. I had told myself that when the girl who was right for me came around, I wouldn’t have to try so hard to make it work, things would just flow instinctively. I clung to the saying, “If it’s meant to be, it will be.” and this proved to be true.
I suppose everybody has something different that they admire more than anything else. Everyone has their own prized characteristics that could revive their faith in love. If this story inspires you, take a look at GoMarry.com to find others that are alike. With enough patience and persistence, you are bound to find the person who will revitalize your confidence in the purity of true love. It may take years, even decades, but sooner or later they will show up. When the time is right and you’re ready for it, someone will come along and shift your world around, leaving you wondering why you were once willing to settle for anything less.