27. Discussing body weight

Here you get to discuss how comfortable you are with each other’s weight and whether or not it will affect your relationship. This can be very uncomfortable to talk about but try to be objective and honest, as well as sensitive.

Research does show that over 60% of people in a comfortable and stable relationship are likely to gain weight. So it’s not always a bad thing. However, when is it too much? Or in some cases, it may be that there is weight loss and this will have a different but equally significant impact on your relationship. Be honest. Some people like to keep their partners plump because of their own insecurities.

It is also possible someone’s weight control measures are too extreme for one of you to handle. Maybe you don’t want to be judged every time you open a packet of potato crisps!

So talk about your thought on weight gain/loss in depth as differences on this issue can be devastating to a marriage. Outlining your views clearly.

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