first love doesn’t last

The Reasons Why You Can’t Stay with Your First Love


Are you still living your first love or trying to mend a broken heart after it surprisingly vanished? Are you dreaming of an amazing future together or of getting back with the person you thought was a soul mate? I’m sorry to barge uninvited in this crystal world filled with sunshine and butterflies. I’ll probably spoil the fun… But too few of us end up marrying our teenage sweetheart. Usually, first love doesn’t last, and I’ll tell you why.


Take a look at how it begins

Hormones: They fill our bodies and brains, head to toe. That’s actually a pretty good explanation for the reason why first love always feels so intense. Teenagers want to explore, they become curious about the opposite gender, attraction fills the room.

Very often, these relationships take form between friends, sometimes even as an experiment. Youngsters are dying to know what if feels like to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend to hang out with and try new things. Unfortunately, some want to try stuff with everyone available, so hearts get broken too.

Being part of a couple is exciting in itself because you’ve never been through this before, you don’t know how to act or react. It is simply a learning experience and, as with anything new, it feels scary and intense. Like something you won’t feel again.


You and your preferences change

First love doesn’t last because those who are part of it don’t stay the same. Normally, at the time of our first relationship, we’re all so young, not even our personalities are completely developed. Who we really remain to be seen.

On the same note, our tastes change, not only in food, music or films but regarding humans we surround ourselves with too. During this experience, you’ll have the opportunity to learn what you might like in a partner and what you don’t, so pay very close attention.


Your goals could take you to different places

I don’t just mean geographically, but socially as well. Obviously, physical distance is important and could easily break people apart. One or both partners could move away to a university they wanted to get into, or for a dream job they got after a great interview. They make new friends and become interested in different things.

As we grow, we also become more aware of our inner values, which we allow to guide us through life. According to those, we set goals, discover what we want to achieve throughout our existence. Some want to focus on building a career for a few years, while others dream of starting a family right away. First love doesn’t last when people want to go opposite ways.


You discover what you really want in a relationship

By this, I mean the way you’re being treated and the effort you expect from a potential partner in making things work between the two of you. Unfortunately, some people don’t even try to make it last, they just stick around until they find something ‘better’, then break up. In some cases, couples keep splitting up and getting back together, always indecisive.

Don’t let that be your case. Don’t let someone treat you like they don’t know if they really want you. If they aren’t sure, they’re probably not worth your time. Once you’ve grown and know your expectations, it’ll be easy to find a serious romantic partner. One good option would be visiting, to help you start a long-lasting relationship.

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