Relationships are meant to be adorable. In a bid to make a relationship as desirable as we want, we need to understand the several stages of it. You need to know that different people have different needs and priorities. What is a priority to Mr. A may not be the preference of Mr. B
However, there are certain things in a relationship, especially the family setting which should come first for a man or woman.
Self Love is Ok But It Should not Spoil the Relationship
Do not allow self-love to destroy your relationship with your partner. Love yourself and work for what should bring you the greatest joy. However, do this with your partner in mind. You should endeavor to strike a balance by agreeing with your partner in every area of your relationship.
The first thing that should come first in such a relationship is what should make the relationship stronger? Since the relationship is not all about “you”; you should consider what should give “us” the greatest fulfillment in life.
Set Your Priorities
From mutual discussions and agreement, if children should come first before your careers, so be it. What matters here, is what would give your partner the greatest joy? Marriage is meant to satisfy the needs of your partner. When your partner is satisfied, you automatically get satisfied. Seeking to fulfill your partner’s needs is actually meeting your own needs.
Give Satisfaction to Get Satisfaction
This is the truth about life. When you give satisfaction, you get satisfaction. Relationships, especially marriage, is a reciprocal affair. Selfishness destroys; so do not seek to come first before your partner. Make your partner feel he or she is valuable and do guard his or her feelings to let the relationship grow.
In the same vein, a career could be the first thing your partner desires as a priority, but it shouldn’t be dealt with anyone of you. It will rather be wise if two of you have a meaningful conversation about it. It is possible that your desire to have children as a priority, could not be the same for your partner. Your partner may actually be thinking about how the children could be cared for if you have them at the moment.
If you are still uncertain and can’t figure it out that what should be the first in your relationship, visit
However, mutuality does not remove the need for you to consider what would be of the greatest point of fulfillment for you as a partner in a relationship. This should not be forced on your partner but should be kept in mind when you sit to mutually agree on what comes first in your relationship.
Bank on “Its all about you” formula and let the magic begin.