What is Frustration Attraction? How To Deal With It

What is Frustration Attraction? How To Deal With It

Have you ever had a crush on someone who doesn’t like you? We can guarantee this made you like them more & consequently caught up in frustration attarction


The idea of frustration attraction focuses on the feeling of frustration. We will be frustrated that an individual doesn’t like us as much as we like them; as such, we will try even harder to make this work. You may read: Types of Attraction

What about ending up having a crush on someone you originally thought you hated? We can often become attracted to people who are unavailable to us.

We will be frustrated by that person in our life. This frustration attraction turns in to something else and then comes lust. Our lust here will fuel all sorts of behaviour that might not be rational.


Rejection Triggers Frustration Attraction

Rejection is one of the main fuels for frustration attraction. Often, when we are rejected it often affects our feelings of self-worth. As a result, we try desperately to win that person’s approval back which can sometimes lead to behaviours we are not proud of.

By seeking approval, we are looking to regain positive feelings of self-worth that take up most of our time and energy. We can often rearrange our life’s priorities in order to try and find that approval and become emotionally dependent on the individual who has rejected us.


How To Get Over Frustration  Attraction?

Well, we strongly suggest you spend some time asking yourself what it is you really want from your potential partner. Now consider whether this is something they can actually offer you.

When we are rejected by someone we care about. We can begin imagining how things might be if you were to be successful in winning their affections. This imagination can cause issues for some and can act as a catalyst for frustration attraction.

You may find yourself acting irrationally and probably hanging out at their favourite places hoping you might bump into them. You will probably imagine that if they see you, they will remember how much they miss you and love you.


Do Not Let Imagination Ruin You

Do not let your imagination run wild; you must remember the actions you have witnessed and the way they have treated you. Otherwise, we can cling on to false hope which will fuel more heartbreak than necessary.

Ask yourself how your frustration attraction treats you. Do they take your emotions into consideration when they say or do things? If not, then maybe what you are hoping for is not the reality and will not bring you the happiness you desire.

Ask yourself if their words align with their actions? Often, we can hold on to the hope of the words we are told but quite as easily ignore the negative behaviours that contradict.

If someone tells you they love you, but cheats on you; do they really love you? If someone tells you they care about you but aren’t looking for a relationship. Remember actions speak louder than words.


How to Come Out of The Trap of Frustration Attraction?

To get out from the trap of frustration attraction. We must all re-enter ourselves with some rational questions and sometimes some painful answers. We promise it helps to be true to yourself as you will be able to then look at what you really need in order to be happy.

Instead of staying haunted by frustration attraction, show red flags and signup to gomarry.com. Here at the marriage only matchmaking site, You will surely find the true love and that for entire life.

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