Some relationships are rock-solid. Others, however, are much less stable. You are the person who understands your relationship the best and you will surely feel how shaky your relationship is. However, there may be some occurrences that signal a shaky relationship but are often ignored. Oppositely, sometimes partners think their relationship is shaky, while it’s actually just going through a mild rough patch.
Do you already have experience with shaky, uncertain relationships? Are you ready to move on and finally find your bliss in a strong, mature partnership? If so, sign up at Here, you will have a chance to finally form a stable connection for marriage and be done with shaky relationships. How can you tell if your relationship is losing its stability?
You Fight Much More Often
Fighting in relationships is normal and it can sometimes be a productive way of resolving conflict. However, there has to be a certain measure. Arguing is a method that can only be used from time to time. If partners cross this limit and base the major part of their communication on fighting, the relationship is shaky.
You Rarely Laugh and Have Fun
Having fun and enjoying each other company is what will make you look forward to another day with your significant other. But, what if you’re not having fun at all? Can you call the relationship stable if you cannot remember the last time you laughed with your partner? Smiling and laughing seems trivial, but it’s incredibly important for the stability of a relationship. If you notice that you rarely joke or have fun, your relationship is probably shaky.
You Can Feel the Tension
This is especially true if you are a woman. When a relationship goes south, you can very easily feel it in every little aspect. From the communication, activities, touch, sex to all other things that make you two a couple, you will feel some kind of a strain or tension. This is a natural reaction when partners feel like they are in an insecure relationship. If you felt like your relationship is shaky, you probably wouldn’t feel very relaxed, right? Just make sure this tension and stress don’t also pour over to other areas of your life.
You’ve Previously Broken Up
The champions of shaky relationships are on-off relationships. Namely, these are a relationship that gets broken up and then made-up every couple of months, weeks or even days. This type of relationship is extremely dysfunctional and it will always hurt both partners. Even though you might feel high from the making up period in your relationship, these shaky relationships are a disaster in the long run. If you have broken up before and your relationship feels shaky again, it probably is. Partners can subconsciously relive the trauma from the previous breakup and expect another one. This creates a lot of tension and it will definitely leave a mark on your relationship.