If he doesn’t come with an authenticity card and serial numbers you’ll have to put all your efforts into trying to find out whether he is fake or real
It’s always better to do some investigation to spot a real man in the beginning than to cry your heart out later.
Having and showing good manners is a sign number one! He can’t treat other people, especially women, with disrespect because that’s how he’s going to treat you in the end. There is no selective kind of behaviour when it comes to rudeness and impudence. Avoid him like a plague. And please don’t read these signs as ones of masculinity or even maturity. He is a bully, so face it.
Read: How To Set Boundaries With Narcissist
Showing respect
Do you want to spot a real man? Well! If he is the one. He has to respect your time and your schedule in general. If he texts you or calls you back immediately unless he is busy it’s a good sign. If he always makes time for you and your worries, fears and other emotions he’s real.
He will always put himself on an equal footing with those he loves and tends to. You will feel valued, safe and treasured. He should be your Chevalier and you his princess all the time.
Showing love
Unless he doesn’t know or find it hard to show you affection, he’s definitely not your guy. Please don’t be as naive as to believe that it’s all due to his innate behaviour. It’s only the excuse.
If he cares he will hug you. If he cares he will hold your hand with his fingers closely NOT loosely interlaced. He will kiss you gently. Any other behaviour is unacceptable. No excuses.
Read: Public Display of Affection
Showing care
He will throw a party only for you and for no obvious reason except to show you how much he loves you. He will buy you flowers regularly and other signs of appreciation so as to keep your relationship strong.
Accepting you just the way you are
It doesn’t mean that he has to tolerate your mood swings out of nowhere or your bad manners. The point is that he has to find a way to understand you and talk to you like a mature person.
In addition, if you say something that bothers him, he will try to respond with a joke instead of getting defensive.
A real man makes Keeps your motivation alive
A true man who has aims for himself will want to be with a woman who has them, too. Even if he is not a careerist he will never feel scared or terrified by a woman who pursues her dreams, unless they are unachievable.
He will even help you on that journey and he will never be a stumbling block, but rather a helping hand.
His honesty and bravery help spot a real man
A real man will manage it with respect no matter how adverse things are. The way he handles conflict, criticism, and awkward situations are a good sign for you to decide if he is the best for you… the Real man never dances around answers or comes up with lame excuses. He will never shy away from facts. If there is something urgent and pressing to discuss, he will be there to have the talk.
A real man always banks trustfulness
In addition to the last point — there will be no mental gymnastics or manipulation in your relationship.
Gomarry.com helps you spot a real man. If you haven’t found one? Sign up and there you go. A real man will be direct, kind, and honest with you.
If you haven’t let him down, your real man will NOT be paranoid. He will have confidence in you as well as in your relationship.
Remember, you should never settle for less!!!