A sad part of being in a relationship, that doesn’t have marriage as an end-goal, is that your boyfriend may start looking for someone else. Being in a relationship where both of you don’t have marriage in mind, keeps the door open for other singles to come in and for one of you to start looking for someone else. This is only one of the many reasons why I started GoMarry.com. I don’t want you to waste your time and energy in a relationship that may end in disappointment and disaster. If you sign up for ‘marriage only relationship’ you are guaranteed to have a life-long partner. Someone who wouldn’t start looking around for other girls.
If you find yourself in a relationship at the moment where you think that your boyfriend isn’t faithful anymore, or that he is looking for someone else. You should make sure that he is. Here are a few ways in which you can ask him this difficult question
Don’t ask your guy if he wants to see other people amidst a fight. Find and wait for the right time. The right time can be during lunch or dinner when both of you are calm and relaxed. Ask him after you had a great day or just as the day is about to start. Also, look at his mood. If he looks grumpy, you should definitely not ask him.
Don’t use an attacking, high-pitched or angry tone of voice. You should speak slowly and use a calm monotone voice. He shouldn’t feel like you are attacking or accusing him. Don’t underestimate the tempo, rhythm, and tone of your voice whenever you need to discuss something serious with your man.
You need to look confident when asking him this question. Your confidence will show him that there is no way he can manipulate or sweet-talk his way out of this.
There is no tip-toeing around this question. You should just go out there and ask it in the best way possible. You should point out that it is a concern for you and you just want a clear answer. Be honest! Tell your boyfriend that you are a bit insecure and that you don’t know where the relationship is leading. You want to know that the two of you are both giving 100% and committed to one another. Because if you are – he should be too.
If your boyfriend is looking around at other people then you should kick him out! You deserve much better! If your boyfriend isn’t looking for someone else, you should consider asking him whether he wants to get married to you or not. If he isn’t sure, you shouldn’t be sure about him. Lasting relationships have the same goal in mind, and that is to build a family and to get married. GoMarry.com offers singles all over the world advice on how to work on their ‘marriage only relationships’ in order for them to be successful.