How to Share your Feelings with Your Partner

While there are some people who love to share their feelings with their partner when they are in a relationship, there are others who never like to share their feelings at all; and then there are those who want to share more but just don’t know how to go about it. It can be hard for some people to really let the one they love know what they are feeling, especially if they have grown up feeling like sharing your emotions is a sign of weakness. However, if you are someone who really wants to share more with your loved one but you are unsure how to go about it, then you have come to the right place, as we have all you need to know.


One of the first things that you are going to need to overcome, is that your partner is not going to judge you for sharing your feelings with them. In fact, it is going to make them fall in love with you even more. After all, the key to a long and successful relationship is openness and honesty, so sharing your feelings and your emotions with your loved one is going to make things better, as it will also show them that you care about their feelings too. So, realize that they are not going to judge you for this and, even better than that, learn to not judge yourself too. Having feelings and emotions does not make you weak, it makes you human, so accept them, allow them in and share them with your partner.


If you find it hard to find the right words to say to your partner, in order to help them to better understand you and where you are coming from, then maybe it is a good idea for you to write it down first. Keep writing exactly how you are feeling. Get all of your emotions down on paper. Read it over a few times. Add some things as you go. Then once you think it says exactly how you are feeling, you can either go and read it to your partner or you can leave it somewhere for them to read themselves. You will slowly but surely get to the point where you feel that you can say these things, just as easily as writing them down.


So remember, you don’t have to worry about sharing your feelings or your emotions with your partner, as that is one of the main things they are there for. Talk to each other more, about anything and everything. Once you get comfortable with just talking to your partner, you will soon realize that you can share anything with them, no matter what, including all of your feelings and emotions. It is not something that is just going to happen overnight, you do need to work at it, but with time and practice, you will get there in the end, and your relationship will be all the better for it.

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