Love doesn’t cost a thing! It enables us to afford happiness. So, why am I saying that “I can’t afford to love you!” Because whether you like to hear it or not, love is an investment
An investment of time, energy and the soul. And if the investment isn’t paying off, you shouldn’t be investing anymore, to avoid your bank and all your saving running dry. Happiness Does come without any cost, you just have to invest yourself for a true relationship.
You can afford happiness
“You can afford happiness!” Everybody can! If you decide you want to be happy with yourself, then you have to find things that make you happy. Get into a job that you feel energized doing. Or go traveling, meeting new people, learn to play a musical instrument or take on a hobby that you’ve always wanted to. helps you find true love and happiness
If you decide that you want to find happiness with someone else, that is also a great option. And that is why I’ve created I want to give people the opportunity to choose happiness. To choose someone who makes them happy! I don’t people to suffer from disadvantages of dating which results in anxiety, frustration, and loneliness.
Through the unique sign up process, you will fill in details of yourself into a private profile, that only other members can see. You will match with someone and follow other instructions to go onto a Marriage Meeting where you will interact with the other person for the first time.
It’s at this Marriage meeting where you can voice any concerns you may have and ask any questions that you want answers to (As a guideline you can follow our 101 questions for the Marriage Meeting). Ensuring your happiness and knowing that the person you choose to love is worth the investment.
Signs of unhealthy love
There are a few signs you should look out for when you are with someone. You need to know that it’s time to stop the investment. Here are some tell-tale signs within your relationship that will show you that you need to stop the investment.
- You have nothing in common.
- They are mistreating you.
- Using you for either money, housing or too much emotional support.
- Don’t have any fun together and are constantly arguing about things that upset them.
- Never feel like you are good enough. You can arrange a whole date night and give them everything they need and want. But they still demand more from you.
- Don’t consider your feelings and treats you badly.
- Can’t practice what they preach. They ask things from you, that you have to adhere to. And they treat you exactly the way that they don’t want to be treated.
- They don’t input into the relationship. They are constantly taking and taking from you, and you keep on giving and giving (investing).
- You feel like you are carrying all of the responsibility in the relationship and they don’t do their part.
Stop wasting your time and energy! Find someone who invests in your happiness just as much as you invest in theirs. Sign up for today.