Low Self-esteem

Low Self-Esteem: How Can You Support a Girl


Whether it’s your sister, friend or crush. Girls are prone to have low self-esteem at some point in their lives. This is mainly caused by girls being constantly exposed to fashion and beauty magazines. Instructing them on how to look better and more beautiful. Women have to constantly do something about their appearance to be more acceptable in society as well as look more presentable. They are constantly being judged on their outer appearance. GoMarry.com encourages men to see the inner beauty of a woman. To get to know her for who she is and then drawing your conclusion about whether you want to be with her.

We know that beauty fades but personality stays. That is why I write many articles to guide single women and men to help them be better within themselves and for their partners. If you noticed that your lady has low self-esteem, you can support and encourage her by following these steps.


  1. Catch her off-guard

Many girls who suffer from low self-esteem will ask you ‘How do I look?’ or ‘Do I look okay in this?’ your obvious reply for these questions will be “You look great!” But what if you told her that she looked great before she asked you? This will make all the difference.

After she spent hours and hours making herself look presentable tell her that she looks great before she asks you the question. Maybe pair it with a cute, flirty whistle or sexy tone of voice. Try something like, “Damn girl! You look fine!” or “Wow, you look incredible!” But always be sincere.


  1. Compliment her when she’s not wearing any makeup

Most girls think that wearing tons of makeup and accessories will make them look sexy. But I believe that all women are naturally beautiful. Compliment her when she isn’t wearing anything to up her appearance.  Say, “Wow!” when she gets out of the shower or after she has woken up. She needs to start feeling good in her natural skin.


  1. Get her out of her comfort zone

The only way to build someone’s self-esteem is to give them the opportunity to do something they’ve never done before. Especially trying something new where they have to interact with a whole lot of people and show their skills. Take your lady friend to an art class, physical activity zone or sports match. Something she has never done before. Your attitude here matters! You also have to take risks, start talking to other people you meet and perhaps leave her with a friendly and talkative stranger for a few minutes by herself.

Engaging with people from different cultural backgrounds will help her climb out of her box. GoMarry.com is open to singles from all over the world. We encourage communication and interaction between different cultures to expose people from different worlds to one another.


  1. Compliment her personality

Low self-esteem is usually mistaken for people who don’t like their physical appearance, although this is also true. Many individuals with low self-esteem don’t like their own personalities. They don’t know who they are yet and they think that the person deep within isn’t good enough, smart enough or fun enough. Find beautiful things within your lady friend’s personality and compliment her on that.

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