Pillow Talk Helps Creating Emotional Intimacy and Bonding

How Pillow Talk Helps Creating Emotional Intimacy and Bonding

When you are lying in bed after having sex, the mood is generally euphoric and intimate. The conversations had at this time are known as pillow talk. There is sometimes light touching involved and often spooning or cuddling


Pillow talk is a window of opportunity for finding out more about your partner even if they are the reserved, quiet type. When two people share a sexual connection the chemical Oxytocin is released in both individuals. This hormone has the effect of heightening the trust and bond between the lovers. Due to the release of Oxytocin, your significant other is ready for an honest conversation at a chemical level.

At GoMarry.com, we aspire to help you form a successful bond that lasts a lifetime. The site is designed to match you with your ideal partner, and also provides helpful advice and insights into common relationship problems or questions.


What is Pillow Talk

You two are just done having the romance. The mood is good and you want to talk about the things you both enjoy. It should go without saying that now is not the time to bring up any serious conversations or negative vibes. However, it is the perfect time to get to know your lover better and to deepen the bond between you.

It’s the closest thing to truth serum after alcohol. Pillow talk is an excellent time to brooch the topic of taking the relationship to the next level, as you will both be feeling super close.

Read: Balancing Intimacy


Taking Emotional Intimacy to the Next Level

So you want to use this beautiful opportunity to increase the bond between you and your partner. But you don’t know what to say. Well, GoMarry.com is here for you, and we have put together the best topics to chat about, in the afterglow of a blissful sexual experience.


The first prize goes to the poets out there. If you have secretly written a poem for your beloved. Pillow talk is the perfect time to share it. Of course, we’re not all poets but one could always memorize a beautiful piece of prose to whisper into your partner’s ear. An experience they would never forget.


For pillow talk if poetry is not really your thing and you are more interested in getting to know your other half. Well! then you can use this golden moment to ask about their wildest dreams. Ask them to tell you in detail about their ultimate fantasies, sexual or otherwise. Keep the euphoric feeling alive as long as possible and in so doing, you will deepen your bond.



You can also ask about their happiest memories or the highlights of their life, and feel free to share your own. Pillow talk a great time to find out the qualities and values that they look for in a partner. Philosophical and spiritual musings are also welcome at this point – just try to keep it upbeat. Comments like “Wow I felt God at that moment”, can open the door to an interesting and dreamy conversation.


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