As we quite often say on here, different people respond to different things in different ways, and that includes relationships. Some people like to receive regular compliments to make them feel good about themselves. While others struggle to accept compliments and find them embarrassing. Some people want to be told they are loved, to really believe it. While others struggle to say “I love you” and struggle even more to accept it. When someone says it to them. There are so many different scenarios where we are all a little bit different. So we are going to react in different ways. Now, if you are someone who struggles to open up and let people into your life. Even when you really want them to get close. Then you might need to take some of the following advice onboard. Here we are going to tell you how to become emotionally available to healthy relationships, and how to stop self sabotage.
Accept Compliments
It is very important that you stop shying away from compliments when people give them to you. This is really going to make things hard for a healthy relationship. Just because you have been tricked and lied to in the past. It doesn’t mean that everyone is out to get you. If you are with a new partner and they like to pay you compliments. Then rather than shying away from them, thank your partner for them. Maybe even give them a hug, a kiss, and even pay them a compliment back.
You are a beautiful person and you deserve these compliments, so learn to accept them.
Act How You Want them to Act
People have been saying for years, that you should always treat others how you expect to be treated, and this is definitely true of being in a relationship. If you want your partner to be kind, caring and respectful to you, then you should also do that to them too. If you want your partner to be trustworthy and honest, then it is important that you act this way too. By acting the way in which you want to be treated, it will encourage your partner to act in a similar way and it will make for a much happier and healthier relationship for you both.
How to Accept Love?
It is fine to be guarded after being hurt in the past, but don’t let those past experiences make you feel unworthy of love. Everybody deserves to love and so do you, so it is time that you started to accept that.
Know that your partner loves you and is with you because they see you like this wonderful person. Accept this love and give love in return. A relationship is all about the give and take, so make sure that you both show one another how much you love each other, and accept that love in return.
How to Find Love?
With all that said and done, if you are ready to get back into a healthy relationship, which you won’t want to sabotage, then it is time to find that true love. If you have never tried a marriage only relationship, then take some time to check out, as it might be the right place for you to find that person who can make you believe in yourself, and true love, again.