Destructive Relationship Behavior

Every couple finds themselves arguing about certain things; there will always be a few triggers in a relationship that cause issues for you. We have to say; some triggers are perfectly normal like he leaves the toilet seat up or she leaves makeup everywhere. However, some behavior that may cause triggers for you in a relationship may actually be very destructive. So, in this article, we are going to explore behavior that we believe is destructive to all relationships.


White Lies

Lying is a huge no-no for a successful relationship. We recommend open and honest communication to create a healthy and trusting partnership. If you lie regularly to your partner, you are slowly breaking down the lines of communication you have with each other. As a result, you will cause them to not trust you. It doesn’t matter how small the lie is, it will damage their trust in you. They will begin to question everything you say because it will be difficult for them to work out what is a fib and what is the truth. Lying can lead to all sorts of other insecurities in a relationship that you just want to avoid completely. Keep it honest and open. If you are considering tell a porky to your partner, consider why you think that is acceptable? Maybe you think the truth will hurt them? Well, finding out you have been dishonest will always hurt a lot more.

Playing Away

Cheating is, of course, frowned upon in any relationship. Nowadays, it has become more and more common that you are more likely to find a person who has been cheated on by their partner than a person who hasn’t. Just don’t do it, it is not big or clever and you will really hurt your significant other. It will damage them for life, don’t be that person.

Open Your Ears

We have mentioned effective communication above and effective communication requires both honesty and the ability to listen. If you do not listen to your partner when they talk, you are telling them that nothing they have to say is important enough to focus your attention. You might as well tell them they are just a body to fill an empty space than a personality to fill your heart and head. If you find your partner is constantly reminding you of conversations you have had, maybe try working a little harder to pay attention. Check out more on this In this article about Self Centred People.

Picking Fights

A little drama keeps us alive but the unnecessary drama that fills your days and rows with you into the evening is destructive for everyone. If everything you do causes an argument, your partner has a serious problem and is trying to pick a fight for the sake of it. This can lead to a breakdown in a relationship very quickly but can also be resolved just as quickly. Talk to them, find out the root of their issue and maybe things will work out for the better? Or maybe you will agree to part ways? At least, this way, it won’t take everything around you burning to the ground as well.

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